Every year there is a college fair. Students from different schools gather in one place and they go around to different tables and they visit different colleges to get information. It would just be easier to actually go to a college and visit them instead of having the college fair. For one it is always so crowded, and it is hard for the students to move around to the different tables to get the information that is needed. You want to visit each table to see if you would be interested in going there, but with the crowd being so big and it being so loud it is hard to try and make a decision right there. The students that go there are usually with their school, so with the students walking around with their friends they aren’t really paying attention that what colleges are around them and the information that they could be getting right in front of them. Students don’t always take advantage to the opportunities that they have right in front of them, and it would be disruptive to the students that are actually there and actually using their time to try and talk to colleges and to get as much information out of the colleges that are there. When visiting the different tables you don’t get a feel of the actual college. You visit a table based off of the college’s name or the amount of people gathered around it, it took about fifteen minutes just to get a pamphlet and the cliché ‘this schools the school for you’ speech that college sponsors would give. You couldn’t get the information that you wanted. College fairs are a waste of time and shouldn’t be used.