Psychonauts is a series that has its origins rooted in the middle ground between the end of the original Xbox era, and the beginning of the 360 era. The game itself was good, but not for our modern standards. The game was slow, most things in the game needed this specific item or this specific…
Category: Humor

Jase Klatzkin – Unofficial Jersey Day Champion
There isn’t a winner of each day, and no prizes or trophies are handed out, but if you asked a few members of Mod H Journalism class, they might tell you Jase Klatzkin is the unofficial Jersey Day Champion of 2022. Sporting a Carmelo Anthony Denver Nuggets jersey, Jase provided poses and more poses for…

Latest Poll Reveals Avonworth Chooses Wheels Over Doors
Over the past week, a divisive argument has spread its roots through AHS: are there more wheels or more doors in the world? After a week of strong debates in the halls, however, the results seem to be in. On Thursday, March 10th, the Avonews Instagram account ran a poll on its story asking…

The Lifespan of a Meme
Memes: universal jokes spread via the internet. As you may have noticed, months ago, we started this year with a BANG in memes. If you don’t recall what they were, here is a refresher: These memes, one after another, eventually died. Tide pods, ‘somebody toucha my spaghet!’, and (of course) Logan Paul, were the highlight…

Ask The Grass Cutter 12’s #3: Lettuce Go Boys!
Jagmeet Singh is the proud champion of the Grass Cutter 12’s, a pair of athletic shoes forged 3000 years ago on the planet of Malkior 7 by the ancient Malkior blood tribes using their secret blood rituals. Jagmeet claims they are “nigh indestructible and “they can also control the fabric of the universe itself.” Jagmeet…

Ask The Grass Cutter 12s 2
After many stunning reviews and much praise Jagmeet Singh has finally decided to forward the laundry list of questions that fans and critics alike have been raving about since the initial release of Ask The Grass Cutter 12s the legendary shoes from Malkior 7. I’m trying to get a girl’s attention what should I…

Ask the Grass Cutter 12’s: An Advice Column
Jagmeet Singh is the proud champion of the Grass Cutter 12’s, a pair of athletic shoes forged 3000 years ago on the planet of Malkior 7 by the ancient Malkior blood tribes using their secret blood rituals. Jagmeet claims they are “nigh indestructible and “they can also control the fabric of the universe itself.” Jagmeet…

Allergy Season Blues – 2015 Style
According to HealthDay News, “The unusually warm spring weather in New York and other parts of the eastern United States has trees and other plants blooming much earlier than normal, which could mean a long and intense allergy season.” So while Spring means warmer weather and flowers popping up overnight, no more dark skies and empty…

Love’s Kitchen: Worst Movie Ever?
“I love movies, you love movies, everyone loves movies. Now Chef Ramsay, add him to a movie and it should be an instant hit!” This is the thought process that I feel this movie went through during the writing process. Love’s Kitchen is a movie directed, written, and produced by James Hacking. What’s that, you never heard…

Being the Beat Master: Final Reflection on the Perfect Distraction Beat
Today I will be telling you what it was like being a Beat reporter and the hardships and tragedies that came with it. To start it was actual challenging and a bit difficult at times to find information, but overall it was easier then I expected. With a normal deadline of 2:00 each day I…