On April 4th, the unveiling of Avonworth’s production of Man of a La Mancha took place. A variety of grades ranging from seventh to twelfth took the stage in an attempt to make the auditorium transform from a low-lighted theater into the magical land of La Mancha. The orchestra beings the show with a fantastic musical introduction that begins the audience’s journey into a whimsical show filled with love, imagination, sadness, and inspiration.

The show, overall, was very well directed by the twelfth grade English teacher, Deborah Frauenholz. The actors and actresses were extremely well practiced and obviously put in a lot effort and work for such a complicated and well executed performance. The two leads, Jessica Keast and Ethan Simmons, were spectacular along with the supporting roles and the chorus. Looking back Jessica says, “People keep asking me if I am sad if it is over. Sad is not exactly the word for it. I am proud of the accomplishments we were able to make during the show and what we were able to achieve. I think in a few years it will be one of those things I will look back on really fondly.”