Valentines Day – this is a day for young, infatuated couples but what’s it like for teens who are “on the market”? Well, for me, it means sitting at home all day binge watching Emperor’s New Groove and season 3 of Dexter on Netflix and crying into a pint of Ben and Jerry’s Half-Baked. Okay, well I might be over exaggerating (a little). I probably won’t be crying but who knows, Yzma can get intense.
Society has changed a day in remembrance of a massacre into a day to show love for our partners, romanticizing anything that sounds cutsey. If you’re in a relationship, however, shouldn’t you spend every day showing love to your partner? How about, spend every day loving them, instead of just one day. I’m not saying you need to come home with chocolates every day but just throw in an “I love you” every now and then. This one day puts single people in a pit of depression.
When I think of Valentines Day I think of those commercials with the people and dark storm clouds over their heads following them everywhere. Just the thought of a bunch of couples walking around all lovey dovey makes me want to vomit. I’m not trying to sound pessimistic but it’s what I feel. However, all of this could come from the fact that I’m not in a relationship so I just don’t understand.
So, how did Valentines Day get its name? The holiday is named after Saint Valentine. Valentine was a Roman priest who married couples who the emperor said could not marry. Valentine ended up being caught and was tortured. For his suffering, we now have a “Hallmark” holiday. I just don’t get how a saint can be turned into candy and kisses, but then again I don’t get a lot.