Journalist Jill Cueni-Cohen visited the video conference room in the collaboration center on Friday, September 18th, during 8th period to share her perspective on freelance writing, ghostwriting, and her recently published collection of reflections on the September 11th attacks entitled Like It Was Yesterday.
“I’m only as good as my next article,” stated Cueni-Cohen about her approach to contributing to the Post-Gazette North section and North Hills Monthly magazine, along with websites such as Human Resource Executive. She commented upon the challenges she faces with fair payment for her work and working with technology before she reflected upon the impact 9/11 had on her.

“It’s interesting our schools don’t teach 9/11 as a history class” said Cohen, who recently visited the 9/11 memorial while promoting her book. “Our country hasn’t been the same,” she stated while suggesting that America experienced a collective sense of PTSD in the first few months after “being forced to watch something so horrible.”
Cueni-Cohen also answered questions from the small group of Journalism 1 and GATE students about ghostwriting. She suggested it “is enjoyable taking on someone’s voice” and recalled anecdotes about working with clients and the difficulties in publishing as well.