“When I first came here, having a winning season seemed to be the expectation.” said Athletic Director Tim Geil about the upcoming Winter Sports season, “Now the expectation is we are going to challenge for a section championship… in all of our sports” While there are many talented athletes going out for their chosen sports, Giel has a firm level of confidence about all Lopes sports “We’re going to do fine. Boys basketball has a lot of starters returning, the girls are still rebuilding, and we are getting there [with the girls team]. It is just getting used to a new coach and a new system.”
“Wrestling”, which is also coached by Giel, “ is going to be down still, but I have 22 middle schoolers out [for the team] so that will be awesome. We have about five to six of these high school kids, so we just have to wait for these middle schoolers to get up here.”
Since swimming is run through Northgate, Giel did have specifics about the upcoming seasons, but stated “…from what I understand, they are building too and they are getting better and better every year.”