A surprise blast of winter weather delayed at least ten teachers on their way to school the morning of Tuesday, April 5th. Temperatures dropped into the low twenties overnight, and people woke up to a significant amount of snow on the ground. The resulting iciness caused numerous accidents and delays on major roadways.
All students were gathered in the high school and middle school cafeterias until just after 7:20, when Mrs. Cahill announced the teachers that were present in the building.
Students of the missing teachers remained in the cafeteria for all of first period. Ben Avon Heights roads were particularly icy, according to several Juniors that drive.

The last teacher to arrive was Mrs. Hart, who was trapped in traffic for a total of one hour and forty-three minutes. Normally, her commute takes approximately eighteen minutes. While at a standstill on the Parkway, Mrs. Hart “actually face-timed [her] daughter and said ‘look, no hands” [as she panned around her cell phone to show the stopped traffic].” In order to reach campus mid-second period, she was forced to use several back roads in the North Hills.
Mrs. Cahill announced, “It is with great joy that I can announce that all teachers are now in the building and all students will have a regular schedule for the remainder of the day” at the end of second period, and ended the rather hectic morning.