Students like Seniors Riley Galvis and Junior Propser Tjelmeland are chasing down DoDuo or Pikachu, but not at any digital poke stops. Instead, new Math League sponsor Mr. Cario has these boys and other potential members looking up and around the halls for 9 printed Pokemon that have a special code, and one lucky student who solves the code and brings his or her answer to the first meeting on Thursday, September 29th will win a $25 gift card to Sheetz.
New Math League sponsor Mr. Cario set up this initial activity to “Encourage people who enjoy puzzles to figure things out. If you like figuring things out then you’ll probably like math league.”
But why Pokemon? “Cause it’s current. Pokémon go is currently current and I thought it would be fun to use that.”
Finally, what do the puzzles have to do with Pokémon? “That’s for you to figure out,” said Mr. Cario.
Senior Tucker Yovetich is very involved, but in a unique way. “No. I’m not really apart of the math league, persay. I just helped mr. cario stuck them up. I was hoping not a lot of people could find Goomy so I could be like ‘yeah. I know where he is. and I’m not even apart of math league.””
Here are all the Pokeman – can you identify where these are located?
Additional Photography and Pokemon Hunting – Olivia Lejonthun and Jackson Horigan