Along with having an intense case of “senioritis”, the senior class majority is also stressed about the process of applying to college. Having a good SAT/ ACT score is vital to the admission offices’ decision to accept a student. Also, keeping up a good transcript throughout high school and even in senior year itself is important to colleges. With this in mind, senior students are worried whether or not they will get accepted into the colleges they want to attend.
Everyone is in a different stage at this time in the year. Some have long been accepted into the college of their dreams meanwhile, others still have not applied to schools yet. Stress is something all seniors can relate to because it is scary to think about the future and becoming an adult.
Matt Manz, Avonworth senior comments, “I remember as a freshman, I didn’t even care about college, but now that it’s senior year, I have to really think fast about what I want to do after high school.” When adults say to enjoy high school, it goes by a lot faster than you think, they weren’t kidding. Time flies and before you know it, you will be graduating high school and deciding what you want to do after that.