The National Honors Society at Avonworth High School began selling pies December 1st to benefit an unusual and fantastic charity, Heifer International.
Heifer International is a worldwide charity organization with projects all across the world. Funds from pie sales will help pay to send goats to impoverished farmers in Nepal.
Heifer’s website projects that by 2023, it will have brought 500,000 families out of poverty through this project. Nepal is a country located just north of India and south of Chinese Tibet. About 25% of its population live below the poverty line in Nepal and make less than $1.25 per day. Farming families will receive goats from the organization and use them to make profit. These farmers will sell the goat’s milk and raise young goats and build a herd.
According to Wikipedia on Agriculture in Nepal, it is the livelihood for more than 90 percent of the population, although only approximately 20 percent of the total land area is cultivable (being mostly mountainous terrain), it accounted for, on average, about 60 percent of the GDP and approximately 75 percent of exports.
What this means is that these goats will impact the country more than one would expect. They can live anywhere and are adept at traversing the Himalayas. Agriculture is a monumental part of Nepal’s economy and a project like this could help out many families.
The student body can help by purchasing a pie during lunches or by visiting Madame Hart. The goal for NHS is selling 150 pies. As of December 6th they have raised over 1250 dollars. Each is $9 and they sell many different kinds, of which include cream pies and fruit pies. One flavor is especially unusual, but still amazing, and is called Razzleberry pie. This consists of a mixture of raspberries and blueberries. In addition, NHS is selling pumpkin rolls and nut logs if pie is not to your liking.
All in all, National Honors Society and the Avonworth Student Body has the chance to help a nation out of poverty, albeit by unusual means of buying pies to provide goats, but still is a tremendous task that can be done if we all pitch in. And hey, we get pie, so why not?