In the distant past, the 1970s, schools functioned much differently than they do today. Prior to the creation of cellphones, students had to worry about passing notes, and falling off dinosaurs (not really). Where many things have changed over the years, others have not, such as still using pencils, and Avonworth’s inability to cancel school or give out a two hour delay. One such example of this is shown with the photograph everyone’s favorite substitute and all around renaissance man Mr. Steiner provided. In the photo, one can see the backup of cars stuck on Joseph’s Lane. Though the cars got stuck, that didn’t stop the strapping and still active men of 1970s Avonworth from exiting their busses and pushing the cars out of the way (something that would definitely happen today (2017)).
So, when a rare burst of snow interrupted this otherwise mild winter on Thursday, February 9th, and nearby North Pittsburgh schools like North Hills and North Allegheny delayed school while Avonworth remained on regular schedule, many students took to social media to express frustration with the #notmysuperintendent posts. Yet even though the times have changed, though technology has gotten more advanced, though people are getting fatter, it’s not going to make Avonworth cancel or give a delay.

I liked the topic of the article. I thought it would have been beneficial to get the perspective of some administration members. This was a heavily talked- about topic among Avonworth students so I think an actual explanation would have been appreciated.
I really like the photos from the ’70s. The article was interesting because of the contrast between then and now.