This week students of Avonworth noticed a change in scenery near the Chinese room and High School Gym as a Warhol Exhibit and quote have been added.
Students from Avonworth teamed up with the Warhol Museum to create an installation with some of the different features that were featured in Andy Warhol’s works.
AboveĀ is the quote that is right outside the gym doors that resembles what kind of person Andy Warhol was and the type of art that he made.
Shown above is senior Melissa Drwal starting to apply the quote earlier in the week as the quote took a couple class periods to complete.
Here is an up close look at some of the parts of the body that Warhol put in some of his works as he is known for having very detailed art.
Above is a distant look at the ceiling where the different material is at, this adds a dimension of character to the main hall in the school.
This was a wonderful addition to the school and displays our creativity.
I appreciate this addition to the school because it was a perfect way for the students to participate in changes and show their creativity.
The new artwork seen around the school certainly grabbed my attention and adds an interesting element to the hallways. The art students clearly put a lot of time into their work and I like how this article portrayed their hard work and time spent on the project. The article also did a good job explaining the theme and purposes of the artwork.
It’s nice to see different things happening in our school, and it’s good that people are able to express their thoughts throughout the school.
I like the details included in the article. The pictures and the comments helped too with the interesting aspect of the article.
I like that there is an article on this project because I know there has been some confusion over it but this is very helpful and informative.
I like that they wrote an article on this and about what students are doing in the school.
After reading Warhol Gallery Added On Hallway Ceiling Outside Gym, I thought it answered a lot of my questions about the new installation. However, I think getting the opinions on the new art on the walls should have been written about too. (ex. reactions)