Monday, September 11th, 2017 marked the 16th anniversary of the attacks on New York City and Washington D.C., as well as the fatal crash of Flight 93 in rural Western PA.
In the morning, students first caught glimpse of flags flying at half – staff. Seniors discussed and read about the events in Social Studies classes and continued reading texts, researching and writing about the events through the 12th grade English curriculum.

Principal Dwulit, a veteran herself, read an announcement over the loudspeaker at 8:46 AM. Here is the full transcript:
“Good morning, Avonworth.
It was at this time, 8:46am, on this day, September 11th, 16 years ago that our nation was impacted forever.
The first of two planes would hit the World Trade Center, beginning a series of attacks intended to get to the soul of America. We were terrified, angry, desperate, humbled, sad…and then strong, kind, selfless, proud and most important, resilient. We stood together as first responders saved countless lives.
We remember the thousands of lives lost today and will never forget. We also remember those that ran toward the devastation in hopes of providing assistance, while thousands fled to safety.
Students – I realize most of you do not have memories of this event nor did you live this day vividly. But you can learn from those that did. Listen and learn from stories of others. They are woven together as the fabric of this United States of America.
Never forget moments and days like these.
Please join me in a moment of silence for all those that deserve our respect and honor today…
Thank you.”
Photos and Editing by James Knable