This is a poster outside of Mrs. SelepĀ“s new room, 203, showing the lyrics to the Avonworth Football Team new fight song.This a blank billboard just waiting to be filled. There are several of these around the school as of the week of September 18th, 2017.This billboard is located within the Chinese room, the first year Mrs. Li has her own classroom. On the board is Chinese symbols and artifacts.Another billboard within the Chinese Room. Posted on it are important sheets about both the school and the class.This is a billboard supporting the Avonews, created by current Editor-In-Chief Ethan Woodfill. It shows previous newspapers, and is located outside of the “pub lab” now located in 308, also where Mr. Tuffiash teaches 11th grade English classes.This billboard is student-created from one of the Galleries Projects in years past. The students who made this wanted to take something every student takes (standardized testing sheets) and turn it into something beautiful and interesting to look at.This billboard is in the somewhat new French room, as Madame Hart started her teaching career at Avonworth in this same room in 2001. Hart decorated her room with several of these billboard. It shows animals species written in French with colorful and fun backgrounds.
If you see other billboards you want to know more about, please leave a comment.
Nice photos that were take