Model United Nations, a club enjoyed by many high school students in grades 10-12, is an annual extra-curricular in which students research, discuss and mock-dictate political policy for global issues. Last year, over 40 members crowded into Mrs. Long’s room for the first meeting, where an upcoming Model UN conference at Pitt was discussed. As it could only accommodate 30 Avonworth delegates, selectivity was required on Avonworth’s end.
This year, the first meeting of Model UN was more scarcely attended, with students filling less than half of the desks as last year. Nevertheless, enthusiasm was high, as junior Marion Haney declared, “I want to be on the Save The Bees council!” and another student remarked, “I like how we get to dress formally with blazers and heels while meeting students from other high schools.” With fewer students this year, all who wish to participate are able to do so. Furthermore, choosing countries is less competitive.

However, this well-known club may not be a possibility this year, because the pushed back start time may cause issues in finding a bus to transport students to and from the school. Due to the formality of the event, students are not permitted to arrive late or leave earlier– doing so would cause disqualification from the conference for which students had worked so long and hard. The conflict derives from the School District’s new rule that buses for field trips may not leave before 9:00 a.m; the exact time which the Model UN conference officially begins. Mrs. Long has submitted a request to receive an earlier bus, so students can still participate in such a unique and well-liked event. Students anxiously await a response to discover whether attending the conference is still a possibility.
Additional writing/reporting done by: Maya Berardi