Many clubs like MUN (Model United Nations) club and the Global Scholars program have been meeting this week. They all have noticeably scheduled their meetings after school on Wednesday, October 11.

Model United Nations club is sponsored and ran by Mrs. Wahl and Mrs. Long. In this club, there are six to seven committees that focus mainly on one global issue such as, getting women more rights in different countries. You pick your top three committees, then Mrs. Wahl and Mrs. Long will assign you to a specific issue. According to Chloe Boothby (eleventh grade), once you get your committee you will need to attend a conference at the University of Pittsburgh from 8:00 to 5:00 on a certain day. Throughout this conference, you are broken up into your council, in which you will debate your topics. Chloe Boothby comments about the changes this year, “One of the big things that’s on the committee this year, that is new, is how to respond to nuclear threats from North Korea…” To add, she also tells us a little bit more about the prior meeting and what to expect at the upcoming meeting, which is October 11, “We meet like three weeks ago. The meeting is today because we just got our countries. Pitt took forever to send them to us. I think we got them like two days ago. And then this was the soonest opportunity that Mrs. Wahl and Mrs. Long could both get together to do the club.”

Another club that met on Wednesday, October 11th was the GSA club, offering an outlet for students to discuss and find support for questions about sexuality. The official name is the Gay-Straight Alliance, emphasizing that the club is not just for students who self-identify as LGBTQ+, but also for friends and fellow students who simply want to support this community.
Global Scholars is a program for 9th through 12th graders. To be in this club you need to have four years of studying one particular language, maintain a B or higher in all classes, have active participation in a variety of activities, and have a minimum of 20 service hours. The benefits of this club are that you get a certificate and seal on your diploma or an honors cord to wear during graduation. Chloe Boothby (11th grade), who is a prior participant in this club, shares what you need to accomplish in Global Scholars, “… the main thing we have to do is 8 media reviews, four have to be books, and the others can focus on movies, TV shows, or whatever… So, it has to be about another place in the world. You have to fill out eight of those, by graduation.” She also shares some new activities that could be instituted this year, “It’s in planning, so we don’t know if it’s going to happen yet. But Mrs. Reagle is trying to get a Bollywood exposure date. We are going to watch a movie and get a dancer to come in to show us the moves.” Moreover, Mrs. Reagle says that there were only four members that showed up to the Wednesday meeting, for current members. If you want to learn more about how to join this club, you should contact Mrs. Reagle or Mrs. Hart, who are the sponsors of this club.