The attendance from this years auction was not the initial outcome expected. In the 9th grade, there were 67 students present,72 present in 10th,63 in 11th grade, and 52 in 12th grade. Over 200 students were absent, making a noticeable dent in fundraising.
Student council co-sponsor Mrs.Hickman said, “it was disappointing to see so many absences from the students, but I was glad to see the enthusiasm from the ones that were there.”
In total, the auction raised over 8,000 for the Children’s Hosptial Free Care Fund with only half the school in attendance.
Below are a few photos of auction events, such as English teacher Mr. Wells attending his first auction and being “pied” in the face, alumni Tucker Yovetich, Kimmie Keener and Alex Domencic returning to perform as Mayview, Mr. Wells also getting his head shaved with a little style from sophomore Luke Wagner, and second-year Math teacher Ms. Waddell also being “pied” in the face.