Shaun White, the now three time Olympic Gold Medal winner, had a dramatic three runs at the half pipe, during the 2018 Winter Olympics. His first run went well and provided Shaun with an early lead over his competition. The second run, however, was troubling due to the athlete falling during the run, effectively jeopardizing his chances for gold. When it came time for the third and final run Shaun phenomenally preformed a front side double cork 1440 instantly followed by a cab double cork 1440. According to White, this difficult combination had never been practiced and was entirely improvised. Shaun White ended up taking the gold with a score of 97. Upon hearing the news the Olympian fell to his knees and broke out in tears before cheering and waving the United States Flag. In a later interview with NBC, Shaun admitted that though the run had frightened him he was tremendously proud, and stated, “The win meant the world to me.”