At 14:07 everyday Amadeus M. Stern departs from room 307 and meanders down the hall to his final destination of the day, 8th-period study hall with Mr. Mancini. Upon questioning Deus he stated, “practically everyday I initially try to get a signature from Mr. Coffin for me and the Hoopsters.” The Hoopsters is a low profile high school organization made up of four members (Amadeus Stern: Captain, Jason Novosel, Matt Carraway, and occasionally Sam Wimer).
If Deus’ daily expedition down to the gym, fails for whatever reason, he fills the void with, “pressing homework or take part in shenanigans with the Hoopsters.” In the past, Deus and the Hoopsters have played paper football utilizing dry erasers, as well as many other fun activities. As for the homework Deus stressfully hammers away at during that 45 minute period, typically includes math and anatomy and physiology. Today, Deus, Jason, and I decided to play cards in light of the rejection of “hoop time.” The game of choice today is Presidents.
Deus is quite familiar and advanced at this game. When I asked him to describe previous experiences playing Presidents he said, “Captivating, stimulating, and exciting.” After the first round of Presidents, much to Amadeus’ dismay I won the round. Not all hope was lost though, as Jason ended up in last place as scum.
It was an intense two-minute game that is definitely one for the books. With the noticeable absence of Mathew Carraway, the Hoopsters feel as if they are incomplete. Deus has taken this loss harder than anyone.
“I miss Matt” he stated.
Around 14:42 PM Deus was given some Chinese candy that he described as delicious. This candy was obtained from a Chinese market by Jason and was feasted on for the remainder of the period.
When I inquired about what to expect from my time with Deus, he said, “A lot of three-pointers, Guinness world records, and rejection.”