Today, I will not be traveling to Mr. Mancini’s eighth period study hall, in order to report on the events and experiences of Amadeus and the aptly named Hoopsters. Over the last five days that I have spent with Amadeus Stern I have learned a great deal and tried to report on the information as accurately and unbiased as possible.
Following Mr. Stern around was quite the experience. The first day Amadeus and I sat down for a preliminary interview. It was during this interview I learned of the Hoopsters and what to expect of Deus’ daily routine. This mainly consisted of leaving Mr. Johncour’s room, traveling down to the gym to submit a request to Mr. Coffin for “Hoopsters Court Time,” being rejected, and then meandering back to Mr. Mancini’s eighth period study hall.
The first day went much like the expected routine with the addition of a riveting game of Presidents that became very intense. The second day brought with it a massive amount of stress. This was due to the National Honors Society applications being due by 2:55 pm. Our adventure took us to all parts of the Avonworth High/Middle School building. Through our determination and pure tenacity we managed to meet the deadline and successfully turn in the application. This balance of excitement and shear boredom continued throughout the beat.
This proved to be a challenge of the beat report. How would I craft a three-hundred word beat report about a single student and what his daily study hall routine is like? Spanning the reporting over five days also proved to be difficult. However, I do not regret the beat report. It proved to be a fascinating look into Amadeus’ and the Hoopsters life that many readers enjoyed.
For me writing “THe DEus BEat” was about telling the narrative of the “Russian Michael Jordan” and his misadventures of surviving for forty-five minutes a day in his eighth period study hall. Amadeus, like many students spent his time stressing about his academic life as well as his social. For instance on day three, Amadeus and I rushed around in order to prepare his application and acceptance letter into what I dubbed, “Uppykia.” But only a day later I observed the social aspect of Mr. Stern’s time in study hall. While it is true that he had to remain late in Johncour’s room to finish a test, as soon as the test was complete, he made his way to Mr. Mancini’s eighth period study hall. Here he sat, joked with the Hoopsters, and played a game of hangman.
This beat was truly remarkable. To spend as much time dissecting the daily life of Amadeus Stern, for forty-five minutes everyday has been a life changing experience, and I have taken away many life lessons. In the words of Deus, “A lot of three-pointers, Guinness world records, and rejection.” I hope the cult following “THe DEus BEat” has created has enjoyed the daily reports and we eventually hope to bring the beat back in some capacity.