Used Socks and Toilet Paper Rolls? Senior Project Boosts Spirits of Animals at Animal Friends
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///Additional writing by Chelsea Lee///
“We have truly enjoyed this process”, wrote Junior Tara McCafferty, “where it is teaching us how useful simple items like these can be.” Tara, Hannah Miller and Kali Adams worked together with Animal Friends to complete their senior project by collecting specific items to help with shelter animals.
“We are looking forward to carrying out the final product at Animal Friends on May 25, where we will get to teach our participants the inner workings of how to make pets in shelters enjoy themselves.”
How did this senior project start? Adams wrote, “Our senior project is incorporated with Animal Friends and making different toys for the bunnies, cats, and dogs. We got this idea from them actually, we all wanted to get {the senior project} done this year and since I am a volunteer at Animal Friends I emailed Dana Shultz, the organizer for all the events. I asked her if she could help us with ideas for a senior project and what {we} had {to do} to cooperate. She told me about an event she was having May 25th and offered the idea about having us teach the guest about making different toys from the different material.”
“Since we all love animals, we decided to do that” said Adams, “and take on the task of collecting the materials and promoting the event. The collection is going great, we have 600 toilet paper rolls, about 80 paper towel rolls and over 50 socks and more to come! We have been collecting from family, friends, different stores, and fundraising at school along with promoting the event to cheerleaders, girl scouts, and boy scouts.”How did the other girls get involved? “Kali was the one who reached out to Hannah and I”, said Tara McCafferty, “for she volunteers with her sister at Animal Friends a couple times a month.
With about a week left, the girls have collected close to all of their desired supplies. “This project has been interesting to be apart of,” said Adams, “so far I have enjoyed talking to different people about it, learning new skills for leadership, and learning new ways to help animals in different shelters. My favorite thing was me falling down my stairs with the 600 toilet paper rolls and all of them going down the stairs as the bag broke!”
On Monday, May 14th,the donation boxes were starting to fill, thanks to donations from students and staff such as Mrs. Rask, Mrs. Wingfield, and Mr. Tuffiash.