Today is April 22 and today the world is celebrating Earth Day! Normally on previous Earth Days people, communities, and schools would all do something to help the environment. But today at Avonworth, it’s a different story. As we wandered the empty halls during lunch period 1 looking for signs of Earth Day spirit, we found next to nothing.
The most Earth Day pride thing we stumbled across was some great flower drawings on windows and some blooming flowers in the courtyard. After asking a faculty member if they knew of any events taking place around the campus for Earth Day, she stated she didn’t know of any.

So instead of looking at the school itself, we went to some of the students to see if they had any plans for Earth Day.
We went to the Middle School Gymnasium where some kids were eating their lunch and had a chat with 10th grader Kevin Caroll
Interviewer: “Are you aware of what day it is?”
Kevin: “no I do not”
Interviewer: “Today is Earth Day, have you noticed anything different around the school today?”
Kevin: “I’ve see signs and stuff, and haven’t seen as much trash on the ground as I usually do on my way to school”
Interviewer “Do you do anything to celebrate Earth Day or any volunteer work?”
Kevin: “No I usually clean up garbage in my neighborhood if I see it, but I usually do that even if it, not Earth Day. Because I feel like the more pollution the worse so I try to clean up my neighborhood as much as possible.”
I checked some neighboring school’s websites to see if they were posting anything on Earth Day.
I checked Northgate High school and Our Lady of the Sacred Heart High School (OLSH) and they didn’t post anything on their websites as of yet. With the ongoing pandemic, it’s easy to forget about Earth Day but it’s important to take care of our environment for future generations.
Reporting by
Luc Gilchrist and Dylan Teale
great job guys!