As a sophomore when this pandemic hit I felt lucky since I got my first year of high school in and I have more time to hopefully get a normal school year again. With everyone coming back full-time or a majority of people my mindset has changed.
I have gotten so used to the hybrid schedule and seeing a small group of people two days a week. I felt like I got more work done, I felt more comfortable with more space and I felt like I had more time to talk to teachers. The Wednesday’s helped everyone and I don’t think anyone would really disagree. Wednesdays were days to catch up on work and to take a break from school.
When we were sent surveys on what we as students would like to do for the next nine weeks, we were excited because the options fit a lot of our needs. I remember there being options to keep Wednesdays. Unfortunately, when the fourth 9 weeks came around those options were taken away. It was either virtual or 5 days a week. I know many students spoke out and addressed the concern of our new schedules.
Our voices were heard but no actions were taken. We are 5 days a week. I feel like there is no space and the atmosphere feels like everyone is on their toes at all times. My little sister is in middle school and she has to eat in the gym at these grey tables by themselves all facing the same way and eat lunch there. I believe if we had to do this I don’t think we should have gone back all 5 days. I’ve heard a few middle schoolers say it feels like a prison sitting there.
People are saying we’ve always gone 5 days what’s the difference? The difference is that we have to distance ourselves from each other. We have to wear masks and hide our smiles. We don’t have the grades coming together and we don’t have the fun assembles.
As an athlete who is in season right now and couldn’t play last year. I’m nervous cases will go up and school will close causing us to stop our season and possibly end it too. I watch the two seniors on the team play like it’s their last one because it’s their last season and right.
But I do believe we can get through this as we have this whole year. Students and teachers coming together to make it a lot better.