Reporting by Eleanor Boggess

Today Governor Wolf had revealed his plans for the new mask mandate for schools, and daycares.
Although this day of school might have been a regular day for the Avonworth district, the new mask mandate from Governor Wolf has affected many different schools and daycares.
Order of the Acting Secretary Directing Face Coverings in Schools
This also means that until this mandate has been lifted, Avonworth students and faculty must continue to wear masks unconditionally.
Perspectives were mostly in favor of masking with students interviewed for this article.
“Little kids don’t quite grasp the concepts of hygiene yet; they still have to be reminded to cough/sneeze into their elbows, wash their hands, etc, so for them to not wear masks puts them more at risk.”, said Emma Noss, ninth grader.
“The current mask mandate should remain in place and continue to be enforced, but more social distancing rules should be added”, Ari Mccarson, ninth grader.
“Last time I checked covid-19 was affecting adults more than children, I don’t really want them to but at the end of the day it’s not my choice…I don’t really think the governor should impose it.”, Keifer Carroll, Eleventh grade.