Senior projects gone sweet? Let’s take a dive into the senior class, competition, and Peace, Love, and Little Donuts.
Two fundraisers led by the senior class involved boxes all over classrooms and hallways throughout the high school for donating starting in mid-April.

Each grade competes for a Peace, Love, and Little Donuts party. Soles 4 souls is a non-profit organization providing unwanted clothing and shoes too, according to their website, “women’s shelters, veterans’ organizations, children’s programs, and schools to get shoes and clothing to those who need it most.”
Soles 4 soles also provide Disaster Relief and support homeless children by distributing clothing and shoes in the U.S and all over the world. Additionally, they help developing countries launch and maintain their own small businesses and a final contribution from this charity is environmental, as they repurpose unwanted items to expand their life span and keep landfills clean.