As the 22-23 school year starts at Avonworth High School, many clubs are also beginning to take place. One of the more popular clubs, the Chinese club is a fun experience taking place from 3-3:30 after school once a month. I asked Freshman Tyler Hanny who is in the club some questions to help get an idea about what the club is.
Q. Why are you in this club?
A. “I’m in the club because I take Chinese and I think it is interesting to take.”
Q. What did you do in this club?
A. “So far we have made paper lanterns to hang on the ceiling of Ms. Li’s room.”
Q. Did you enjoy what you did in this club?
A. “I definitely enjoyed it. I thought it was cool to help decorate Ms. Li’s room.”
Q. Are you going to stay in this club?
A. “I am going to stay, yes.”
The Chinese club is a fun opportunity for many students to enjoy Chinese culture and language. Students do not have to be in Chinese class to attend the club, making it a fun and non-committal way to experience the class. I also asked Ms. Li, the Chinese teacher her opinion about the club, “I think it is well organized by the senior officers. They try to integrate the Chinese culture and tradition into learning.”