The following opinions are a collection of observations from the Mod H Journalism class
What was good
Mara Stetser, freshman: “The dance was chill and the music was good.”
“Everyone seemed to be having fun. I thought that the cheerleaders dance at the pep rally was cool. “
Tyler Hanny, Freshman: “the DJ {Pittsburgh Digital DJ’s – Greg Schaefer} and just the atmosphere of the dance was amazing…”
— Some highlights of the DJ Set – Soulja Boy, Drake – “God’s Plan”,
Starships-Nicki (Queen) Minaj, “Can’t hold us”
Stefan Lash, Freshman: “the DJ played Mo Bamba {by Sheck Wes [clean version]}”
Jimmy Shields, freshman: “The football game was electric and the student section was fun. The hallway competition was great and we should do it again.”
Tea Victoria, senior exchange student from Norway: “I think that the pep rally was good… The football game and student section was fun. Homecoming and the dance was fun and a good place to have it…. The music was good and everybody knew most of the songs that were played. But overall the pep rally, spirit week and homecoming are really good. “
Stefan Lash: “I felt that the Homecoming pep-rally was good. I think it was cool how we had all the neon stuff and the lights were off, it was very bright and futuristic looking. Personally was in the tug-of-war competition.
“I thought that was really cool today. I also thought it was cool that gave a shout-out to all of the fall sport captains. My favorite part was when the lights went out and everyone started doing the Tomohawk Chop. I played in the football game. I liked during the game when people did the Chop as well.”
What could be better next year
Jase Klatkin, sophomore: “At some points of the dance there was teacher interference… although at some points it was needed [because the dance floor was too small for the amount of people and some people were pushing each other], but at some points it felt unnecessary and took out of the experience.”
Jimmy Shields: “I think that the pep rally could be a bit longer, feels rushed.”
Charlie Tabano, freshman: “I think we should crack down more on the pushing and shoving on the floor. It was fun at the start but it got out of hand fast.”
What you did if you didn’t go
Cooper Powell:”I did not attend school of Friday, so I missed the pep rally and the football game that same night. I also did not attend the homecoming dance because I was in Farmington Hills, Michigan for a hockey tournament.”
Although some people were perturbed by all the shoving at the center, I thought it was fun. Honestly, some of the best parts were trying not to get shoved and run into people.
for me instead of going to homecoming i went to a football game!!
The convention center was a great size for this year’s homecoming. However, the dance floor did not take up enough of this space. The whole night I was crammed into the small area.
The size of the dance floor allowed limited room to dance, leading to many students being pushed. There was a large amount of space in the convention center but students were confined to one small dance floor.