Juniors Swap Classes For Interview Panel and Assembly
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On Tuesday, November 8, over 40 juniors participated in a Mock Interview assembly with a variety of community members in the LGI before individual opportunities to experience the challenges of interviewing.
Business Teacher Mr. Lincoln, center, helped organize and facilitate the panel event in the LGI. Lincoln heads the Business pathway, one of a variety of pathways for students to explore career interests. Students involved in today’s assembly are often in one of the pathways.
Students had 15 minute interview blocks scheduled during Mod CD.
In 5 classrooms, the Library, The Lopes Lounge, and Mrs. Levis and Arnold’s Offices, students met for practicing with one of the most essential skills they’ll need to reach their goals for career hopes: interviewing.
Senior Mia Burnett completes an interview with Mr. Eric Gibson of Holy Family Institute. Photo by Liliana McGregor
Dennis Gilfolye, Consultant and former President of Junior Achievement Western PA, interviews senior Caroline Beck. Photo by Liliana McGregor.