A clear blue sky set the colors from 5:30-7 pm on Wednesday, April 12th, for the 2023 AHS Art Show in the LGI.
The art show included each individual artist in Portfolio. Each student had a board with their chosen art pieces, and some were also selling pieces to benefit the Positive Painting Project.
Senior Katie Bippus’ Portfolio board.Senior Zoe Trexel offered handmade butterfly earrings and prints of her painting for sale.
Senior Caroline Beck offered an amusing anecdote about an unexpected interpretation. “He [the secret service agent] decided that mine was [about climate change] because of the plants at the top. Like time is running out to fix climate change. So I guess it’s partially from the musical, and partially about what he said.”The Galleries projects were also on display. “We all had to incorporate an eye, but everyone got their own prompt,” says Sienna Schwartz.
Juniors Alaina Holmberg and Alex Fisher, along with senior Daniel Billing, created this piece from the prompt: “environmental.”
Finally, the show included a variety of pieces from students in all levels of art classes.
Sadie Walsh (pictured) says of the show: “It was really cool to see all the different art pieces, especially the ones my friends did.”