Many occupants of Avonworth high school have noticed a red wrap around the baseball field. This has raised some questions throughout the school and it has students and staff wondering why it is there.
We asked some baseball players to share their perspectives on the new wrap and what purpose it serves.
Cooper Scharding(’26) said, “I think it’s there to make the field look better and to make the fence pop. It also gives the field a more appealing look for the fans, even though they can’t see through half of it.”
Ben Barnes(’24) simply had a strong opinion: “I hate it, because I don’t know why it’s there.”
Overall, in the limited amount of players we interviewed, the incorporation of the baseball wrap around the outfield fence has mixed reactions.
Grounds and Maintenance staff provided a more clear answer, though. The Boosters purchased and helped put up the wrap. The main reason was to provide wind protection.
But, to “wrap” this up, the story of the fence wrap still remains a mystery unsolved to Avonworth students.