After the removal of lockers last summer, coat hangers were installed along two hallways this fall as a way for students to hang their coats and athletic bags. However, it seems that the few students who do use the racks only use them for coats. Athletes such as Calder Mahan and Jackson Shields say “I put my bag in the locker room instead of the coat racks.” They also shared the same concern for safety and were worried that people might take things from their bags.
This disregard for coat racks has been emphasized by other students including sophomore Sam Kline who said “I feel that lockers are a lot better than the coat racks and that we should go back to them.”
In our group’s opinion, we feel that the coat racks are underused and don’t completely replace the lockers. Overall, the coat racks are usable, but the lockers were much better and allowed for most of your things to be in one area. Also with the removal of lockers, there is no space for math books and other textbooks besides student bookbags. This adds more weight to the already very heavy backpacks causing many classmates to complain.
The high school hallway coat racks which only has 2 coats on them.
The middle school hallway coat racks, across from the courtyard, which on Monday December 11th, had more coats hung. Temperatures dipped into the 30’s after reaching above 50 degrees throughout the weekend.