Today for my basketball beat while not a lot of basketball was being played in the last open mod there was a lot of basketball being played in mod f. There is a gym class in the gym at that time. Mr. Coffin has been nice enough to let people in open mod come in and play with his gym class. Maggie Pappas a freshman said she was “Disappointed in the basketball that was played by Josh Elm and Kevin Felter as they went one on one. Also during mod f Mr.Johncour brought in his class to where they started a tips tournament. Mr.Johncour and Mr.Coffin went undefeated. When asked Mr.Johncour said “No Chance” when I asked him if Kevin Felter and I could beat him. While on the topic of basketball last night the Raptors beat the Warriors taking a 1-0 lead in the finals. While a one game lead is nothing big most people thought the Warriors would sweep them or not let them win a game until game 3 or 4. After the game there was a lot of chatter on social media thinking that the Raptors might now have a chance. Drake also has made headlines as he is a huge Raptors fan. He has been yelling at players and confronting them while a lot of people think he is in the wrong even Draymond Green said that Drake has a little more freedom because who he is.
There isn’t a huge Raptors fan in Avonworth but there is a huge Warriors fan that being junior Jax Miller. When asked what does he do when someone calls him a bandwagon he said “If you can’t beat them join them”. Jax also said his favorite player is Kevin Durant
. This is interesting because Kevin Durant is one of the most hated players in the league for hooping on the Warriors bandwagon himself to win a title. This series will be very interesting to see what happens in the future. Lets hope Kawhi Leonard can pull this off Im sick of seeing the Warriors win.