Avonworth’s upcoming prom has been a widely spread interest throughout our school for the past couple of weeks, leading up to the event on Friday, May 12th at the Priory. With the Prom usually comes the Promposals. The most known promposal at AHS in 2023 was junior Luke Zelinko to senior Mary Gannon. Luke asked…
Author: Ava Simmons

Boys Powderpuff Volleyball – Small Start Led By Senior Project
Instead of the girls on the football field, 2023 also featured boys on the gym floor, coached by star athletes trying to bring boys volleyball fully into the school. The boys powderpuff volleyball game was held on Wednesday, April 12. This senior project constructed by 3 seniors, Francie King, Sophie Culley, and Gemma Kosko included…

Recent Shootings On High School and College Campuses Highlights Student Desire For More Gun Control
After school on Valentine’s Day, many students at Westinghouse high school ran, cried, screamed, and kept themselves safe instead of driving home or piling into the busses. Some of those same experiences extended out to Michigan State’s campus just 2 days earlier. These two stories of gun crimes had students throughout our school reflecting on…