Recently, the Avonworth School District was accepted into the League of Innovative Schools, a program created by Digital Promise, which is an independent nonprofit organization authorized by Congress. The goal, and slogan, of this institution is to accelerate innovation in education.
Not just any school receives this illustrious honor, as Digital Promise is a national organization. They select from a competitive pool of applicants from across the country after considering things such as evidence of results and innovative vision for learning.
So what exactly does this mean for the school and the community? Over the past few years, Avonworth has been innovating and finding new ways to incorporate technology into education. “We’ve made a commitment to provide every child in our district with the kinds of learning opportunities that will help them thrive in the 21st century,” said Superintendent Dr. Thomas Ralston. This means that the school has shown exceptional results when it comes to technology’s role in education.
Students have noticed the significant increase in technology around the campus as well. Current Junior Alex Zbozny said “I learn things every day that I never would have without the help of technology. It really helps with things like projects and just school in general. It also helps with everyday life, not just inside the classroom.”
Induction into this program is not just another one of the district’s many awards it has received over the years. This specifically shows that the school as a whole is leading the pack when it comes to the new age of technology. Avonworth’s efforts will continue to evolve in transforming the learning environment and improving achievement.
Using technology to make the FIRST POST!!!