Could Dylan Gardner be the fifth Beatle? If this was 1964 it is very possible. Gardner is an 18 year old, self proclaimed “music nerd,” who has a song (“Let’s Get Started”) with over 2.7 million listens on Spotify. He has recently signed with Warner Brothers and called it a dream come true. His independent record, Adventures in Real Time, is ten songs all written and produced by Gardner and it is one catchy hit after another. Gardner is determined to take the world by storm, just as if he is a Beatle.
With a huge love for music ever since a young age he knew he wanted to be a musician. After his family moved to Arizona in 2010, it was time to make his dream a reality. He began to write and record as much as he could and by 2012 he handed over 100 songs to his manager and said “There’s an album in here somewhere.” Then in October of 2014, Adventures in Real Time was released.
In short the album is a masterpiece. Ten songs of pure music, from an artist who loves music more than anything. The album does a great job of sounding like a pop album of today, with lyrics that take you back to 1966. Songs like “I Think I’m Falling for Something” and “With a Kiss” having very catchy upbeat tempos while “The Actor” is acoustic gold and sounds very Beatle-esque. Gardner sounds like he is having so much fun making music. Clearly a kid who is not in it for the money or fame, but just to fulfil a life dream, make music. The album is great fun to listen to and the songs have the power to make Dylan Gardner a household name.
Now with over 11 thousand followers on Twitter, Gardner is on his way to full fledged stardom. Well deserved stardom at that. He is young, determined, and has amazing skill. Look forward to seeing his name and face a lot one day.