A noticeable theme throughout this year’s awards assembly was the success students in the high school are having while the school grows in size. At key times through the two hour long assembly, guest presenters commented about the challenges in selecting award winners because of the depth of qualified applicants. Below is a list of awards and award winners for this year’s ceremony:
Bob Williams Memorial Rotary Scholarship –Kaitlyn Wiser
Avonworth Fund for Educational Excellence:
Spanish AP and IV awards – Alex Smith, Rachel Gaugler
Latin IV and Latin AP awards – Abigail Busse, Christina Tuccillo
French IV and French AP– Bethany Adamiak, Izabelle Tomko
Chinese 4 award – Chloe Mellon
Elaine Barron Museum Paper Awards:
AP English 12- {tie} Lauren Robinet, Christina Tuccillo
Academic English 12- Joe Engelmeier
Alfred Beattie Award – Kaitlyn Winter
David J. Mayernik Citizenship Award – Natalie Simmons
Musical Theatre Awards (Directors Awards) –
Tyler Boothby ,Christina Tuccillo, Chloe Mellon
9th Grade Citizenship & Leadership Award(s) –
Karen Siddoway, Calvin Liang
Athletics Awards –
ASA Coach Helen Croft Memorial Scholarship –
Alex Kirsh, Cole Pappas
Dan Ulanowicz Award – Cole Pappas
Male Athelete of the Year – Cole Pappas
Female Athlete of the Year – Kim D’Ottavio
Brandon Burlsworth Character Award – Matt Robbibaro
Jacob Snively Memorial Scholarship Fund – Carlena Bressanelli
Lenzner Award – Carlena Bressanelli, Jacob Joyce, Christian Sasala,
Alexey Stern
David R. Williams Scholarship – Caroline Carlson, Sierra Hartings
Princeton Book Award – Jessica Peters
Ryan Ballou Citizenship Award – Kiersten Giovengo
Patrick Kenny Award – Natalie Simmons
Burger King Scholar Award – Olivia Cronin
Bellevue Chiropractice Scholarship – Alex Kirsch (sp)
Perfect Attendance – Big list of people
North Pittsburgh Counselor Consortium Book Award –
Griffin Geppert, Michela Stasa
University of Rochester Awards
Frederick Douglass and Susan B Anthony Award– Jackson Horigan
Bausch and Lomb Award – Gretchen Schmidt
Xerox Award- Justin Bellotti
Eastman Young Leaders Award – Anna Wagner
Jamie and Ali McMutrie Spirit of Giving Award – Kiersten Giovengo
Prudential Spirit of Community Award – Rebecca Volk
Rensselier Medal Award: Ryan Hunt
The Three Rivers Moss Award – Carlena Bressanelli
Chemistry Award Chemistry Olympiad – Abigail Busse, Austin Schmiegel
Westinghouse Science Honors Institute –
Abbey Foster, Gretchen Schmidt, Katie Joe Smith, Zoe Patterson
Art awards
Galleries Project participants: Mrs. Swaney and Mrs. Villani acknowledged the large number of students that participated in the Galleries Projects over the course of year by having them stand and be applauded by the student body.
Scholastic Art Awards: Like the Galleries Projects, Swaney and Villani held a group acknowledgement by having all of the participants stand and be applauded.
Filmmakers of the Year – Sierra Hartings, Abby Oberdick
Inspiration Award – Carlena Bressanelli
Seamstress/Designer of the Year – Angie Tozzi
CEO award– Ben Pietrusinski, Sarah Svoboda

Designer of the Year award – Ben Pietrusinksi
Artist of the year – David Clark
Hater of the year award – Lauren Padalino
Personal Finance Awards
Accounting Award – Billy Mulvaney
Personal Finance Award – Jacob Grande
Extra Effort – Carlena Bressanelli
POD Awards
American Conflicts – “General” Joe Englemeier
POD Student of the Year – Sadie Filipowski
12th Grade English Awards
Vocab Award in Academic – Delaney Curran
AP English Vocab Award – Christina Tuccillo and Chloe Mellon
Fall Play/ Spring Musical Recognition – Christina Tuccillo, Hannah Schoeppner, Chloe Mellon, Angelica Tozzi,
Vi S, Julia C, Maura C, Brooke M, Carrie H
Other Side of the Sky Project Award – Isabel Terrano, Lissah Fry,
Saira Muchow, Terasa Fenters, Camryn Root, Camille Neira
Outstanding Academic Excellence in Mathematics and Math League Award
Honors IM 3 – Brooke Mellon and Taylor Geppert, who “proved that math is not just for men” by having over 100% in Honors IM 3
AP Computer Science – Harrison Cook, a student that notably developed a program that allows users to host a chat room on their computer. Mr. Cario predicts that “he is destined to excel in this field.”
Calculus award – Tweesha Modi, a student that can turn “probably can’t’s” in to “possibly cans” as she completed both Calculus AB and BC, in addition to taking the SAT subject 2 test as a Sophomore.
Schaffner STEM award – Ryan Kantenwein
Senior Class Officer Awards –
Natalie Simmons, Ben Pietrusinski, Alex Kirsh, Katie Lorch

Student Council Awards
Commander-in-Chief – Christina Tuccillo because she is “true essence of a what a leader should embody”
Press Secretary – Katelyn Wiser
Strategist – Rebecca Volk
Wake Up Wednesday Altruist – Abby Oberdick
Student Council SuperHero – Anna Wagner
Collaborator – Jessica Peters
All star Administrator – Jacob Condran
Fiscally Sound Treasurer – Sadie Filipowski
Participation and Connection – Ryan Hunt
Salutatorian – Lauren Robinet

Valedictorian – Rebecca Volk
Top 10% of the Class of 2016
Rebecca Volk, Lauren Robinet, Alexandra Kirsch, Sabrina King, Benjamin Nahum, Izabelle Tomko, Sadie Filipowski, Christina Tucillo, Chloe Mellon
National Honors Society Members
Rachel Berg, Caroline Carlson, Olivia Cronia, Sadie Filipowski, Jenna Foster, Rachel Gaugler, William Geppert, Sierra Hartings, Ryan Kantenwien, Alexandra Kirsch, Katelin Lorch, Chloe Mellon, Benjamin Nahum, Abigail Oberdick, Cole Pappas, Benjamin Pietrusinski, Morgan Rader, Adrew Righetti, Molly Rind, Lauren Robinet, Hannah Schoeppner, Megan Sheffler, Natalie Simmons, Sarah Svoboda, Izabelle Tomko, Christina Tuccillo, Rebecca Volk, Monica Yang
Harrison Cook added an impromptu recognition for himself, standing up at the end of the applause and stating “I am graduating with Honors, even if the school doesn’t recognize it!”