Few of Avonworth students know this board even exists, let alone how it can effect them. And as of now, it seems to be under construction.

Rather than sporting the usual red background filled with copies of the popular newspapers from either past or current years, it has been cut to large letters reading ‘under construction.’

“My purpose with [the board] is to showcase our accomplishments during our 75 years as well as what the staff is doing right now,” says editor in chief Anna Wagner. “Hopefully the refreshed look will at least give the board some more attention.” Only the members of the newspaper crew seem to know what’s going on, and the only way for students to find out is to stay tuned and keep a steady eye on the infamous Avonews wall.
“I think that it can bring more people to the website.” says Avonews co-editor in chief Megan McAleer. “I think a lot of people forget about the website.”
I’m excited to see the new board, the website could definitely use some more attention.
I agree. More people need to visit this website besides just viewing the physical avonews once every nine weeks.
Before I read this article, I didn’t really know about the board. I think this would be really great in promoting the Avonews.
I think this is a well written article, and this is also a creative idea to try and get more people to pay attention to the Avon News.
This is a great idea to update people about what’s going on in the Avonworth community.
I’m kinda curious now, always noticed the board but seeing it revamped will be pretty dope
Can you make these boards more accessible?
I think the way you are making information within school life accessible is very beneficial.
I think this article is interesting and i want to know what is going to happen
I was wondering what was going on this board. Good to know.
This was well written although I think it probably could have used some more detail… maybe what Mr. Tuffiash thought about the board and what is going on with it
I was wondering what the purpose of this board was. It’s nice to see what it is about.
It makes me excited to see what is to come, and how the school will look after everything is done.