If it’s a Friday in the fall, it’s gameday and cupcake day for the Avonworth football team. It’s been a recent tradition for cheerleaders make cupcakes every Friday for the boys. Junior Kemmer Ifft usually is the one in charge of the cupcakes this year and explained how this started.”Nicole Costa’s sisters started the tradition way back in 2007, then when they graduated they passed it onto my oldest sister. Since then its been passed to friends and finally made its way back to Nicole and me.”
While Kemmer usually is the one in charge of the cupcakes this year, fellow Junior Dakota Fritts assisted recently making the cupcakes. They spent all of Thursday night baking, icing, and decorating. The cheerleaders even put the boys’ football numbers on the cupcakes. Matt Manz, a senior football player says that “When you’re hungry, you find a cheerleader in the hallway and grab a cupcake. And if you’re lucky, they might even give you 2 ;).”
I think this article gets the school spirit going in Avonworth! I liked the use of a quote from a football player to express an opinion from someone who gets the cupcakes.
I have always wondered about the cupcakes on Friday;it is nice to know more about them!
This was nice and sweet, and it got right to the point. Nice job
I like how this article was short, yet it provided all the information needed.
I like how short and simple this article is
It’s a cute idea for the football players.
a good idea for our football team
I love how you had that quote from Matt Manz.
It is interesting to find out how and why the cupcake fridays have started.
Great article, the picture could be better however. love cupcakes!