TIPS, the two on two game every basketball player plays in gym class during their off time, returned to Avonworth on Wednesday, March 22nd at 6 PM. Proceeds went to the football team for future expenses for 7 on 7 drills, the Milbert family, and the Boggess family.

TIPS is played with four people, two at the three point line, and two at either side of the hoop. When one person shoots the ball, the two people at the hoop have an opportunity to jump and rebound the ball while in the air. Teams pay a $20 registration fee to enter the tournament.

The first TIPS tournament in 2009 was to help Mr. Pellicano, the middle school guidance counselor and all around great guy, recover from cancer. Since ’09, Avonworth has occasionally held tips tournaments, still holding strong to the tradition of helping others.

In the coverage for the first tournament, Mr Johncour said this about his choice of game for the tournament, “Because it’s a game that all students can participate in and be successful, and have fun…and it energizes the students and faculty alike.”

Good job explaining what TIPS is and how to play
I like how this article showed how it has evolved and changed since 2009. I didn’t know that it has been around and successful for so long. The old pictures are really cool too.
The pictures and captions were very significant to the article. Great job linking past tournaments to the most recent tournament and getting quotes.
Great story about how to get involved in Avonworth social life. Professionally written as well, and it kept my attention.
I like how this article gave the history of the TIPS tournament and provided quality pictures.
Great article! I really like how you describe the game of TIPS well. It gives the reader a great understanding of the game!