Today, Assistant Principal Thomas and Mrs. Sebolt were giving a tour to visitors from South Fayette to show theĀ development of what will eventually be the Lopes Lounge. Mr. Thomas relayed, among other details, has said that “During spring break, all the computers were shut down and maintenance just started gutting the place.”

Mrs Sebolt added thatĀ students of her interior design class were involved in renovating this space to eventually turn it into a little casual cafe. She also said that this lounge will include a refrigerator in one of the front right corner of the space.

Mr. Thomas also mentioned the coffee cart team who originally were delivering pastry goodies to only teachers, and the fact that there was an idea tossed around that they would get the coffee cart team to sell these pastries of epic goodness to students as well.
Thomas also explained that the design of the seating of the Lopes Lounge will be similar to the approach of the collaboration center, a very collaborative and casual environment.

Wow, I didn’t know this! This sounds like a great idea.
This article is very informative and caught my attention because I am interested in the changes coming to avonworth next year. The progress photos add a nice detail to the process of how they are renovating the writing lab.
I think this article is well written, but I think they can gather more information of the lopes cafe.
Very informative. It is nice to know what is going on behind closed doors and the progress that is being made.
This article is super informative, well written, and interesting to read! It helped me understand the changes that will take place.
I am really excited to see what has been created next year!
I appreciate this article because I was not aware of where this was or that it was officially happening
I like how students at Avonworth are given the opportunity to incorporate their own thoughts into the creation of the Lopes lounge. I think that by including the student’s contribution to the creation in the article and stating the use the students’ work to help create a design for the lounge helps encourage student involvement in improving Avonworth which is a good overall message for the article.
This article is very informative, and the pictures really show the progress that is being made.
While brief, It think this is one of the most useful articles in this edition considering not much has been said so far about the Lopes Lounge or its actual purpose.
I am excited to visit the lounge once it is finished, it seems like a great place for students to go to.