Avonworth High School’s literary magazine, fragments, will have a purchasing price for the first time this year. Historically, the magazine of art and writing has been free for students, staff, and Avonoworth families. However, this 2017-2018 school year, it will cost $5.
All money generated will be used to support the club. The change was made for this reason, as well as to add value to the work produced by the contributors and staff. Â Furthermore, the change will allow for the distribution process to be better facilitated.
Think of it as comparable to the Yearbook; around April, students and teachers will be able to purchase a copy of fragments during a lunch sale, via order-form, or by contacting a staff member. Furthermore, community members will also be able to get their copies by visiting partnering local coffee shops, libraries, and bookstores.
Discover how creative your classmates are, for just 5$ at the end of the year. And until then– follow @avonoworthfragments on Instagram or even get involved with the program.