Gossip Girl was an iconic, classic American teen show. Started in 2007, the show follows the lives of teenagers living in New York City. The teens, which include Serena Van Der Woodsen, Dan Humphrey, Nate Archibald, Chuck Bass, and Blair Waldorf, are constantly having their lives put on blast by an anonymous blogger that goes by “Gossip Girl.” Some other popular victims of Gossip Girl are Jenny Humphrey, Dan’s little sister, Vanessa Abrams, and other people the teens meet along the way. The ten year anniversary of the show’s first airing was on September 19th. This being slightly recently, we wanted to encourage Avonworth students to start the show.
Even though you should always start a show from the beginning, the show really picks up and gets interesting in the fourth season. Of the six seasons, the fourth may have the most and best drama between all characters. Chuck and Blair’s relationship is very popular among fans. In season four, they are constantly off and on. Their relationship is one of the main and most popular points of interest in the show.
Serena Van Der Woodsen, a hot spot for drama, has relationship problems of her own. She is forced to chose between Nate Archibald and Dan Humphrey. These are two of her ex-boyfriends that both want her back. She is also dealing with her hateful relationship with her mother, who sent an innocent man to prison. Overall, we would definitely vote season four of gossip girl to be the best.
Even though there may have been some controversy with Ed Westiwick, who plays Chuck Bass, and sexual assault allegations, the show is still a must-see and we encourage all Avonworth students to start it.
As someone who has not seen Gossip Girl, I thought this article did a good job at explaining the premise of the show and making it sound intriguing.