Without doing a job or any extraneous work, students could win 25 dollars. This opportunity comes from a Literary Magazine sponsored contest running now in the high school. Contest details are advertised on the announcements, on the fragments billboard and Instagram account (@avonworthfragments), on mini posters on lockers, and via teachers in the English classrooms.
It works like this: any high school student emails art or writing (graphic design, sculpture, painting, drawing, doodle, photography, essay, poem, short story, novel excerpt, flash fiction, etc.) to fragments@avonworth.k12.pa.us. Then, this student is entered in a pool to win a 25 dollar Target gift card by random selection. Her/his submission, which will later be published in the magazine, could also be work previously done in an English or art class. Winners will be announced in January; the submission deadline is 11:59 pm, December 31, 2017.
The contest is to generate content for the magazine which will be published and distributed in the Spring. It was the suggestion of the Fragment’s staff members, and the first contest run by the magazine.