“…Once we found our rhythm we were pretty good,” said Junior Abby Dawley about the girls soccer season. On October 27, the fierce, ever-fighting team suffered a loss to South Park; however, the loss granted them a redemption game against Deer Lakes.
“I know that the rest of the team and I just wanted this so badly and we just fought really hard,” Joey Skillen, sophomore, stated about the feelings toward the game. This game had a lot of motivation for the placement of 3rd for WPIALS. The overall game was an intense and uphill battle for the team. Coming up 2-0 Avonworth for halftime was a real boost, yet an obstacle came for the battle. Traveling throughout the game, Avonworth was soon down by one determining goal. “We knew we had to come back harder and stronger; not sit in too confidently. That team was pretty rough since we were all being man marked and I was being double man marked, we had to learn to kinda play around that, but everyone handled it pretty well and played their man really well. Overall it was a physical game,” Ava Wert, Freshman, stated.
The Girls Varsity Soccer Team had won that game, 4-3, and are now playing in Erie for WPIAL states.
Ellie Cepeda, Maggie Pappas, Lois Bennett, and Ella Ciarimboli