Phone tomfoolery is a very common thing among high schoolers today, and the students at Avonworth are no exception. Many students here experience this 2010’s aggravation of feeling like you need your cell phone, but sometimes wishing you didn’t have it, almost every day, if not multiple times a day.
From annoying airdrops to the mischievous stealing of friends’ phones, there are many stories of phone tomfoolery among Avonworth students.
After setting out to uncover many hidden phone tomfoolery stories, the following was accumulated:
Elbow Butt – Calvin Liang, Senior
“Someone stole my phone and they took a bunch of pictures of themselves on it. They took a picture of their elbow and made it look like a butt.”
Mr. Street – Sarah Fuller, Sophomore
“I was sitting on the bus and someone kept airdropping me pictures of (former Band teacher) Mr. Street’s face, like his mugshot. I actually got freaked out.”
Mirror Selfie – Park Penrod, Junior
“One time Anna Igims, Emma Ronk, and Sarah McAdams took my phone, unlocked it, and the posted a mirror picture of themselves on my Snapchat story.”
Mass Snapchat – Natalie Marshall, Junior
“My brother and my cousins take my phone and Snapchat everyone in my contacts, even people I don’t know, so I have to Snapchat everyone back and explain what happened.”
#BeYou – Maura Logan, Freshman
“We take Maria’s [Babusic] phone every day and post the same picture of her on her Instagram with the hashtag ‘#BeYou.'”
Phone in a Pot – Miranda Chrvala, Junior
“Wiley Bozada takes my phone and hides it in random hanging flower pots.”
Snooping through your history – Fabian Vazquez Ramos, Junior
“Once at this very school, someone took my phone and tried to look up my history.”
Musical Mischief – Jessie Mellon, Junior
“Kids at musical steal your phone all the time and hide them.”
SIM Card Sale – Joey Boughton, Freshman
“Someone stole my phone and took the SIM card out of it and tried to sell it.”
As phone types move towards being foldable,
students in the future can expect more and varying tomfoolery in their daily phone lives.
Reporting done by: Sarah McAdams, Ally Yovetich, and Josh Elm