Congrats to junior Rachel Schaffner and sophomore Gillian Tokar for completing our survey and winning a free drink from the Lopes Lounge . Rachel chose a raspberry lemonade to start off her Friday morning.
Gillian attends A.M. Beattie, so since the Lopes Lounge is closed in the afternoon, she instead can choose from The Avonews’ bin of promotional musical items filled with posters, stickers, and more items from Moxie’s music in schools program.

For the 85 others who completed the survey, keep looking for surveys and other contests from The Avonews.
Behind the scenes, for the first drawing, junior Sarah McAdams happened to pick a number that matched the number generator Avonews staff used to select the winner. Sarah chose 63 and so did the generator soon after, highlighting Gillian’s place on the forms spreadsheet from the survey.