Today for my basketball beat, while not a lot of basketball was being played in the last open mod, there was a lot of basketball being played in mod f. There is a gym class in the gym at that time. Mr. Coffin has been nice enough to let people in open mod come in and play with his gym class. Maggie Pappas, a freshman, said she was “Disappointed in the basketball that was played by Josh Elm and Kevin Felter as they went one on one.”
Also during mod f Mr.Johncour brought in his class to where they started a tips tournament. Mr.Johncour and Mr.Coffin went undefeated. When asked Mr.Johncour said “No Chance” when I asked him if Kevin Felter and I could beat him.
While on the topic of basketball last night the Raptors beat the Warriors taking a 1-0 lead in the finals. While a one game lead is nothing big most people thought the Warriors would sweep them or not let them win a game until game 3 or 4.

After the game there was a lot of chatter on pockets of AHS student social media thinking that the Raptors might now have a chance. There isn’t a huge Raptors fan in Avonworth, but there is a huge Warriors fan that being junior Jax Miller. When asked what does he do when someone calls him a bandwagon he said “If you can’t beat them join them”. Jax also said his favorite player is Kevin Durant.

This is interesting because Kevin Durant is one of the most hated players in the league for hooping on the Warriors bandwagon himself to win a title. This series will be very interesting to see what happens in the future.