“I am Asian, so I know a lot of doctors.” , was a standout soundbite by Andrew Yang, one of ten candidates during last night’s third Democrat debate. Here are a few perspectives offered to Payton Bauer and me as we roamed the hallways during MOD H on a Friday seeking viewpoints:
“I thought a lot of the candidates had really great points, but in terms of answering the question, they did not. They skirted around it, to put that bluntly. I kinda figured which ones I liked and which ones I didn’t like. I thought that was really good, because I’m going to be voting soon.” – Maya Klatte-McAfee, a senior.
“I thought it was not good because the debates are just… it seems like they are for entertainment rather than actual learning. So I was frustrated by that, and then I stopped watching it. I just looked up some stuff on the internet about the candidates. They just don’t seem relevant to the presidential election. ” –Luca Stasa, a senior .
“I tend to ask myself if the presidential debates have been this eccentric.” -Drew McDowell, a senior.
“I thought Biden made a few good points, but other than that I think that he is too old at this point, same with Bernie. Castro is very argumentative, but he also had some good points, I don’t really favor him, but out of all the people, Biden is my favorite right now. Klobuchar has no chance, she needs to leave. There was lots of arguing… I was watching it for five minutes and it was straight arguing, then I turned it off.” -Campbell McCann, a senior.
“It was really cool, I really liked Andrew Yang, my mom thought he was really funny. It was interesting, I think they brought up a lot of good points. I only really watched the parts about them talking about education and Venezuela. It was pretty interesting. I wish I watched more, but I was busy.”-Gretchen Ove, a junior.
“Most of them never answered the questions. Most of them were just saying how good and worthy they are. Pete Buttigieg was the one actually answering the questions and was more focused on the debate. The ones that are worthy are Beto and Pete Buttigieg.” -Fabian Vazquez-Ramos, a senior.
The candidates discussed topics such as: health care, foreign policy, gun reform, education, immigration, military, criminal justice, and many others. The debate, dependent on the candidates’ responses and rebuttals, caused support to fluctuate for each candidate:

Current popularity polls put Biden, Sanders, and Warren as the top three candidates; Castro, Steyer, and Bennet are the bottom three.
The next debate is scheduled for the 14th or 15th of October 2019.