Boo! Its time to find out all the high schoolers favorites when it comes time to sit down, turn on the movies, and get in the spooky spirit. Favorites range from thriller to horror and can guarantee to get you in the mood for Halloween.
Mia Burnett,freshman, said “I would recommend ‘IT Chapter Two’ because it was one of the only movies that actually scared me.”
She had also given insight into her favorite character and scene in the movie.
“I really liked Pennywise and the scene where the main characters are at the Chinese buffet.”
Hannah Palmer, sophomore, mentioned: “My favorite movie is ‘Get Out’ directed by Jordan Peele.” She also added, “I really liked the guy who was the friend of the main character, Rod Williams, and I really liked the ending scene but I am not going to spoil anything.”
Alexia Heinold, a junior, commented “I enjoyed the movie ‘Insidious.’ I liked the actor Ty Simpkins who played the little boy. I was really entertained by all the scenes. ”
Owen Kramer, a junior, gave feedback on ‘A Nightmare on Elm Street‘. ” It is a classic that is slightly funny but still very scary at the same time. My favorite character was the main character Nancy, and the reason is she is smart when it comes to a horror movie. She is not like your stereotypical somebody who trips over a random branch while running away. My favorite scene would probably be at the beginning where Freddy Krueger, the villain of the movie is first revealed. For a scary movie, it has a really good atmosphere.”
Leave your favorite scary movie title below.