Coronavirus is affecting many things, both big and small. With the virus being so widespread and worrying many, many schools are being forced to take more precautions or even having to close. With the school, a threat of being closed, many school sports are now put into danger.
An example present within our school, followed with rumors going around, is the softball trip to Myrtle Beach being postponed or even canceled. The trip is supposed to take place from March 19th-March 23th, with 15 students from our district and 3 from close by.
If the school trip would be canceled, that means the seniors would be very devastated about their senior year is ruined. Senior Domi Raught gave her opinion. Domi Raught talks about how the inconvenience caused by the Coronavirus is affecting her: “Well, honestly it hasn’t affected me yet because nothing has changed with our season as of right now. I am getting very worried though because most schools are preparing to move online, and I think our season is going to be messed up. I’d be very surprised if we are able to go on our myrtle trip and if our season continues normally.”
Senior Natalie Marshall, agreeing with Domi, adds in, “I am worried that my senior season is going to be ruined because of this.”
Our schools swim team is also being affected by the Coronavirus. The swim team has recently made it to states, however Junior Carly Spahr helps clear rumors by saying ” I got a text from my fellow teammates, they had been saying that they were on their way home being that PIAA emailed them that they had postponed the states.”